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Oakbourne Tennis
Club Championships Home Page

OCC Club Championships
1. Home Teams must confirm the match times with opponents. Even if it's the suggested time. It's a holiday season, everyone gets distracted!
2. You must contact your opponents ASAP if you're not available to play on the suggested date. No shows results in a default.
3. Home Team is listed first: 1vs4 or 3vs2.
In this case Teams 1 & 3 are home.
3. To get your opponents' phone numbers, go to CONTACTS and call the pro shop at 337-232-0223 for the password.
4. Regular 2 set Scoring, with a 10pt Tiebreaker in case of a third set.
5. Tennis balls are provided for the tournament, just visit the pro shop before the match.
Other frequently asked questions:
Is it a flex league type event?
- Yes! You will register with your partner for a 2-3 month season deal (depending on amount of players in your division).
What are the dates?
- Club Championships Round Robins will start in November and will be completed in January.
When will my match be scheduled?
- Each division has a suggested date and time scheduled.
What if I am not available for the suggested date?
- If a team cannot commit to the suggested date, the match can be rescheduled.
Do I need a partner?
- It is recommended to enter with a partner. Players without a partner, will be assigned one.
How many divisions can I enter?
- You can enter multiple divisions, as long as your body and your schedule can handle it!
Who is in charge of make ups?
- Each matchup will have a designated Home Team. Home Teams are in charge of booking the courts for the make up, if necessary.
What are the fees?
- The fee is $35 per player for the season
- $10 fee for every additional division
What do fees include?
- 100% of the fee goes to balls, new OCC towel and awards for the champions.