Welcome to Oakbourne

Tournament Info
Tournament Format
- Team Tournament of 6 players (7th sub highly recommended)
- Scoring is regular 2 sets with a 10pt Regular TB in 3rd set
- Each court is worth 1 point. Team with majority courts won - gets a "Team Win"
Who advanced Round Robin in case of a tie?
- Team with most "Team Wins" in division goes to Sunday Finals.
- If 2 teams have a record of 2-1, Head to Head between those teams will be counted.
- If 3 teams share a 2-1 record, then the following order is used to determine the division winners:
1) Individual matches (courts) won, if tied then:
2) Least sets lost, if tied then:
3) Least games lost.
What if my team needs a sub?
- Email janusz@oakbournecc.com for the list of players who may be on a standby to avoid defaults.
- You are welcome to find your own sub last minute.
- Therefore, we recommend for teams to bring a 7 player roster.
Can my sub be a higher level even though we are playing in a 3.5 division?
- Yes, however, you must notify the tournament desk and the opponent before the match. The line with higher rated players will count as a loss.
Ladies – 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, Open
All divisions have a limited draw
Men – 3.5, 4.0, Open
All divisions have a limited draw
- Online registration and payments for non members open December 1st for Crawfish Classic and May 1st for Team E.
- Oakbourne Teams pay through OCC accounts
- Registration deadline - when full. It usually takes 3-4 weeks from the opening day for registration to fill up.
Rating Rules:
Teams must play in the division of their highest ranked player.
Example: Teams with five 3.5 players and one 4.0 player must play in the 4.0 division
What is included in the Team fee?
Three Matches (Weather Permitting / Defaults count as a match)
Locally hand designed Tournament Drifit Long sleeve shirt
Friday evening Jambalaya (Oakbourne)
Lunch Saturday (Oakbourne)
Saturday Night Shrimp Boil Provided by C’est Bon (Oakbourne) along with many other local flavors
Saturday Night Party, "Parade Route Party Band" (Oakbourne)
Saturday Night beer truck (Oakbourne)
Lunch Sunday (Oakbourne)
Beers, soft drinks and snacks throughout the weekend (all sites)
Prizes for each Member of the Winning Team
Age limits:
All Players must be at least 21 years or older
-------Please remember this is an adult function!!!!
As much as we love to have kids around our facility
- this is a KID FREE WEEKEND.
No Children allowed on any of the sites throughout the weekend)--------
Entry deadline: When full (Expected within 2 weeks from the publishing date)
**First round will be played on Friday anytime from from 12pm to 6pm**
Match Times:
Draws and Schedules will be posted on this website under "Draws"
Team captains are encouraged to save the website on their phones for all tournament updates:
Tournament Address:
Oakbourne Country Club (Main Site)
3700 E. Simcoe ST. Lafayette, LA 70501
Tournament email: janusz@oakbournecc.com
Tournament Director: Janusz Conradi
Tournament Committee: Oakbourne Tennis Association
Tournament Phone: 337-232-0223